jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009


The past continuous tense expresses action at a particular moment in the past. The action started before that moment but has not finished at that moment. When we use the past continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking about.

the formula for this sentence is:

subject + verb tobe in past (was - were) + verb in present with "ing"+ complement
  • I was working at 10pm last night.
  • They were not playing football at 9am this morning.
  • She was cooking when I telephoned her.
  • We were having dinner when it started to rain.

The formula for sentences in question is:

verb tobe in past (was - were)+ subject + verb in present with "ing"+ complement

  • was she swiming on sunday
  • was I taking medicines the last week


The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action.

subject + verb in past + complemtent

Use of Simple Past

  • action in the past taking place once, never or several times
    Example: He visited his parents every weekend.
  • actions in the past taking place one after the other
    Example: He came in, took off his coat and sat down.
  • action in the past taking place in the middle of another action
    Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.
  • if sentences type II (If I talked, …)
    Example: If I had a lot of money, I would share it with you.

the formula for sentence in quiestion is

did+ subject + verb in present + complement

  • Did she walk home?
  • Did you work in the garden?
  • Did Jenny lock the door?
  • Did the car stop at the corner?

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

The Shawshank Redemption

  1. TITLE: "Guilty or Innocent?"
  3. DIRECTOR:Frank Darabont
  4. SUMMARY: The shawshank redeption ,is a story of Andy Dufresne, has problems with his wife, because it deceives. One day, Andy decides to murder the wife with her lover, prepare the gun, ammunition, but at the last minute stops and repent. But the day after the bodies of his wife and his lover appear lifeless, Andy becomes the principal suspect.
    At trial there was no hope, Dufresne ends meet sentenced to two life sentences, a punishment may not be deserved. Entering the Shawshank prison, an environment is very different to anything he has seen so far. Anyway, does not cost you too much getting used to it, grabbing a friendship with Red Redding member of the prison, with the highly respected discovers that the mafia bribes, black market from prison and tries to help the rest of the living there. Through various scenes and situations, you can go to learn more about Andy Dufresne, who not only respect for the prisoners, but also the ruthless head of school, for which work as an accountant. Undoubtedly, the film gathers a lot of topics prison (homosexual assaults, abuse by guards, penalties, changes of material).
  5. OPINION:In almost most prisons there is a rule that seeks to protect prisoners from abuse that could be of the companions of gay cell or vice versa, because the environment in prisons is very heavy even present serious turmoil surrounding this . Within the prisons there are circles of power where even the new and cling to their personal slaves, we see clearly in the film with our protagonist Andy Dufresne who is constantly harassed by a homosexual inmate. In conclusion homosexuality in prisons is common, which can be hidden but it is an issue that affects the integrity of the other inmates do not feel or do not have this tendency.

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2009



The adverbs of frequency say to us with what recurrence the action of the verb is carried out. To identify them we can do a question beginning for " how often? " (With how many frequency)
  • Always
  • Usually
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Never

1. The adverbs of frequency put in front of the verb.


  • My husband often cooks dinner.
  • My dog never eat MIMASCOT

2. With the verb ' to be ' they put after the verb.


  • The weather in summer is usually very good.
  • She is always happy

3. The adverbs of frequency are used by the simple present it is to say with that frequency is done a little.


  • I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
  • We sometimes go to the cinema on Wednesday

4. It is used always by the constant present to express something that it happens with enough recurrence.


  • She is always interrupting me.
  • He always drinks coffee

5. It is possible to use never with the perfect present. It puts between the auxiliary verb 'have' and the past participle.


  • I have never visited Madrid.
  • She have never eat Peanut